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Audit/PM Support

Not every project requires online ticketing or a major VPN PLC support program. However, all customers want a system that runs properly and for many years to come. Not only does MMCI supply the best equipment in the industry, but we also continue to work with the customer after the installation to help them maintain it.

MMCI's Audit/PM Service Contracts allow MMCI technicians to visit a customer's facility and do a very unintrusive Audit system of the equipment. By utilizing an MMCI customized checklist specified to THAT project and equipment designed, we can view and note any items that may need to be either replaced or monitored by the customer's maintenance department or staff. The initial Audit would typically take (1-2) days on-site for the review. During the Audit, the technician will also do minor items of adjustment or fixes, as available and unintrusive to the equipment running. Upon completion of the Audit, a PM will be scheduled. This is a more in-depth touch of the equipment were worn or items of concerned may be replaced. This would require the system to be down for up to (8) hours to allow for these items to be removed and replaced as necessary. A customer is required to have the recommended spare parts on-hand prior to the Audit/PM work to be performed IF the PM is to occur during the same visit. However, some customers will review the Audit with the MMCI technician and then order parts required and schedule a separate follow-up PM trip upon parts being received.

  • The second PM trip is not covered by the initial support contract but invoiced separately if spare parts to perform work are not on-site at the time of Audit and the customer wishes to utilize MMCI technicians to perform the recommended work.

Due to the longevity of these systems, many customers opt for a multi-year Audit/PM contract which allows for yearly scheduled review and service and gives the customer a price discount on the initial contract due to the multi-year commitment.

How Can We Help?

At any stage of your automation project, we can help. Call us at 314-438-3300 or fill out the form below.