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Our ClearPath Process

Our Data Driven Approach

Today, warehouse and distribution center operations must be lean, flexible, scalable, and ready to meet today's and future fulfillment challenges. Reviewing and optimizing your warehouse or DC is an investment that can lead to large payoffs including labor reductions, improved customer satisfaction, increased capacity, cost reductions and more.

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The first and highly critical first step of the ClearPath process is to obtain a clear understanding of your strategic and operational goals - both short term and long term - to serve as an ongoing guide.

We use this information to identify the software, technology, and implementation plan for your operation, considering factors like seasonality, available resources, and business processes.

Your working knowledge combined with our automation experience can help you understand what options you have and help us architect the best solution for your company. Our goal is to leverage your working knowledge and our decades of automation experience to achieve gains in productivity, accuracy, safety, flexibility, and cost while minimizing capital investments. Together we can create a winning strategy.

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The next step in developing a long-term, successful partnership involves learning your requirements. This is the information that provides the foundation from which key decisions are made.

Our comprehensive approach includes an in-depth data analysis and review of your existing operation - including SKU data, Item Master data, Order history, Seasonality or High Demand periods - to help determine your needs. Once data is gathered and analyzed we will review with your team to ensure accuracy and alignment with your team before we move to the concepting phase.

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Labor shortages along with the costs and effort required to attract, hire, train, and retain employees to work in warehousing is the number one challenge clients are facing today.

This environment is seemingly making it easier to justify investments in automation, but no one wants to work on projects that that will not produce the results required for approval. To avoid this pitfall, we begin looking at key factors such as productivity, safety, labor savings, etc. from the beginning. We offer Fixed-Price deployments which provide the peace of mind you will be on budget with no surprises.

Our ClearPath methodology allows us to generate a business case for both software/technology that is focused on delivering gains in productivity, throughput, accuracy and other KPI’s to ensure a justifiable ROI. We also work closely with you to accommodate growth, build in flexibility, and utilize capital as efficiently as possible.

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When it comes to implementing large systems, the old cliché “start with the end in mind” could not be more accurate. Your project's success depends on driving savings and increasing efficiency.

The Implementation Roadmap is the go-to document we utilize to meet deployment schedules, stay on budget, and achieve results. It can include software, hardware, controls, and training.

The ClearPath methodology provides the discipline and process to ensure all critical information is available and necessary steps are followed to help your organization achieve maximum value.

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The final step of ClearPath methodology addresses ongoing support and services. We work with you to develop a plan, crafted to your specific needs, that maintains system uptime and performance.

Our comprehensive technical services include spare parts, preventative maintenance, employee training, remote and onsite support beyond warranty periods. Support for emergency troubleshooting and repairs are available 24/7.

Plus, as your systems ages, we will work with you to keep it running optimally and adapt to your changing demands. We are there to help you with expansions, upgrades, retrofits, and relocations.

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How Can We Help?

At any stage of your automation project, we can help. Call us at 314-438-3300 or fill out the form below.