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ROI Justification

Identify Upgrades with Big Impact

While MMCI can install complete and comprehensive automation solutions, our team is also happy to carve out small pieces that have the biggest impact.  We don't make the process overly complicated...knowing we can always add more automation.

Keeping it simple…

Maximizing your Automation ROI

We focus on the three highest ROI areas:

  • Picking - 30% reduction in labor, 98.5% accuracy
  • Packing - 30% reduction in labor, 99% accuracy
  • Palletizing - 40%+ reduction in labor, up to 150% gain in productivity, improved accuracy and reduced damage

As well as Pallet Handling, Case Erecting, Shipping and Returns.

How Can We Help?

At any stage of your automation project, we can help. Call us at 314-438-3300 or fill out the form below.