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Infeed Systems

Every robotic palletizer requires some method for getting products into the cell and MMCI’s engineering team has the experience to ensure that this process is designed to be efficient, safe and reliable.

Standard Infeed Conveyors

Standard Infeed Conveyors

Most robotic cells will be equipped with zero pressure, 24-volt conveyors that limit product touching and feature accumulation zones pre-programmed to operate in our standard robotic palletizing models.

  • Non-contact, zero pressure accumulation protects products
  • Energy efficient
  • Accepts multiple sizes and weights
  • Quiet operation


While our Quick-Ship Palletizers feature a standard conveying solution for bringing products into the cell, our team will often apply intelligent engineering, smart technology or highly customized options to meet the specific needs of our customers.

While standard conveying solutions work for most applications, we sometimes automate the infeed process by "pre-conditioning" the product coming into the cell.

We optimize the alignment and configuration of the product so that it can be delivered to the robot in a manner that it can achieve the highest possible rates while reducing wear-and-tear on the robot.

By designing a system that aligned and "conditioned" multiple boxes for pickup by the robot, we reduced the need, cost and space for an entire robotic arm

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Smart Technology

The infeed conveying process often provides our engineers with the opportunity to apply additional technology to the automation process.

  • Inline scales
  • Quality control sensors
  • Inline labelers

Inline scales and other quality control sensors can be integrated with the robot so that it will pick non-conforming cases and place them on a "reject" conveyor.

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Highly Customized Options

Regardless of what type of product you need to palletize (from metal ingots to egg cartons) we can find a way to make it happen.

See how we combined a rugged chain conveyor with multiple sensors and an inline system that would flip and align metal ingots on the fly to position them for the robot.

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How Can We Help?

At any stage of your automation project, we can help. Call us at 314-438-3300 or fill out the form below.