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Outfeed Systems

MMCI has developed integrated solutions to streamline the end of line collection of completed pallets. By pairing light curtain safety features with innovative fork-truck guides, the collection of completed pallets is simplified and streamlined.

All robotic palletizers can be designed with either manual systems that can be serviced with a forklift/pallet jack, or with automated systems that quickly and safely transfer the pallets out of the cell

Manual Systems

Manual Systems

Automated Systems

Automated Systems

Enhanced Pallet Conveyors

Having witnessed first hand the damage and wear and tear associated with the pallet pick up area, we integrate extra features into our automated pallet conveyors to make them safer and more durable.

Forklift Proximity Sensors

Forklift Proximity Sensors and Reinforced Chain Guards

Protective Wheel Stops

Protective Wheel Stops

End-stop Fork Guides

Fixed End-stop Fork Guides

Light-Guided Safety

MMCI pairs all outfeed conveyors with Light Curtain Systems. Utilizing laser-eye technology, these light-based systems provide enhanced safety and simplify the processing and collection of pallets as they exit the cell. Light Curtains typically come in two standard forms, L and T curtains.

L Curtains

L Curtains

This style of light curtain directs the flow of products in one direction. When the laser eye is obscured by a pallet, the powered conveyor is initiated to feed the pallet further downstream.

T Curtains

T Curtains

This style of light curtain performs the same function of the L curtain, but in both directions. This allows the conveyor to move the pallet forward or backwards as needed to relieve congestion on the line.

Bird Box Laser Housing

In heavy equipment environments, laser eyes can often be damaged or unknowingly altered by operators as they move throughout the cell. Failure of a laser eye at any point in the palletizing process can lead to cell shutdowns and significant losses of throughput. To combat this issue, MMCI designed and engineered an innovative solution to ensure the safety and simple adjustability of laser housing units.

Bird Box Laser Housing units are resilient boxes that feature isometric angles that eliminate the possibility of stacking or placing objects upon the eye. Additionally, the ability to adjust the focus of the eye is also often critical to expanding palletizing processes. MMCI paired the isometric units with easily adjustable settings so that operators may alter the direction and focus of the eye as needed.

How Can We Help?

At any stage of your automation project, we can help. Call us at 314-438-3300 or fill out the form below.