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MMCI Robotic Palletizers adhere to Category 3 Safety standards. This means that your robotic enclosures will have a defined, and appropriately controlled cell that ensures the safe and continued operation of your robotic palletizers.

All QSP solutions are designed with Safety as a top priority. These zones utilize FANUC DCS (Dual Check Safety) smart integrated software solutions designed to keep operators, robots, and tooling completely safe. DCS covers:

Position Check Icon

Position Check

Defines a three-dimensional workspace the robot operates in.

Safe Zones Icon

Safe Zones

Creates a space that is safe for an operator to stand in while the robot is in motion.

Safety Speed Check Icon

Safety Speed Check

Can be used to slow the robot under specific needed conditions.

Position Check Icon

Cartesian Position Check

Allows the quick defining of the physical envelope of the robot arm and its EOAT.

Robotic Cell Fencing

MMCI utilizes Troax machine guard fencing that is designed in accordance with the American ANSI/RIA standards, the Canadian CSA standards and the European Machinery Directive standards. These fencing systems withstand forces up to 350lbs, and its engineers are highly active in setting and maintaining the standards for machine safety fencing.

Trapped Keys and Safe Locks

MMCI uses dual safety systems to protect palletizing cells. Utilizing Trapped Key systems, as well as Safe Locks, entry and exit from the robotic cell is tightly controlled. By introducing these key and lock systems, your palletizer is provided with the crucial amount of time that is needed for it to slow its process properly so that it is not damaged, while also providing safety for your operators as they navigate the palletizing cell.

Light Curtains

Light Curtains

MMCI pairs Light Curtain Systems with robotic cells. Utilizing laser-eye technology, these light-based systems provide enhanced safety and simplify the processing and end collection of pallets

Laser Housings

Laser Housings

Bird Box Laser Housing units are resilient boxes that eliminate the possibility of stacking or placing objects upon the eye. These units are easily adjustable in the direction, focus, and height of the box.

How Can We Help?

At any stage of your automation project, we can help. Call us at 314-438-3300 or fill out the form below.